If elected, I pledge to give 20% of my salary back to the District 20 Community

Diamond Head Kahala
Kaimuki Kapahulu
Background and Philosophy
I am a longtime Hawai'i resident and live in the Diamond Head neighborhood. I am a first generation American. I was born in Japan while my father was serving in the Air Force. From a young age I learned to work hard helping out in my family's restaurant. I was the first in my family to attend college. I have a doctoral degree in Pharmacology, and worked as a hospital pharmacist before retiring to take care of my family.
I believe a State's government is healthiest when there is a robust two party system. Hawai'i's one party system lacks the checks and balances that work for the benefit of the people. Let's bring balance to our legislature by electing conservative grassroots candidates who will work to ensure transparency and accountability of our government, and pass common sense legislation to improve the lives of the people of Hawai'i.
Many issues concerning District 20 are also of top priority statewide. The job of a State Representative is to listen to the people of their District and make sound decisions on legislation that affects them, as well as all of the residents of Hawai'i.
Cost of Living
Government Transparency and Accountabilty
Hawai'i has the highest cost of living in the nation, and the second highest tax burden. We can work at the state level on both of these issues to lower costs for our people and allow them to keep more of their paychecks.
Hawai'i has the highest per capita homeless people in the nation. Despite measures taken by our current state government to reduce homelessless, the number of homeless is increasing.
Hawaii was ranked as the most corrupt state in the nation by the Illinoiis State University Institute for Corruption Studies. Electing leaders who will balance the one-party government is the first step to improving government accountability.
Kūpuna Care
Hawaiʻi is experiencing a "Silver Tsunami"-a growing population of our kūpuna, who need home care and nursing facilities care. We must support legislation that improves access to kūpuna care.
Hawai'i imports approximately 90% of our food. To decrease our reliance on imported food, we need to develop and support sustainable agriculture and aquaculture practives.
Diversify Our Economy
We must diversify from tourism in order to have a more resilient economy. Along with agriculture, I will support measures that encourage diversification of our economy, including the film and tech industries.